"From Beirut to Baghdad – Konrad's Journey through the Middle East"

Interview with Hafsa Halawa on the governmental crisis and the impact of Covid-19 in Iraq

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"From Beirut to Baghdad ─ Konrad's Journey through the Middle East" is a podcast by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation's Syria/Iraq-Office. Based in Beirut, the podcast discusses current political issues in the region with the foundation's on the ground partners in Syria, Iraq and across the Middle East. Each episode sheds light on up-to-date political, social and economic topics, and provides insights into life and work from Beirut to Baghdad.


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About this podcast

„From Beirut to Baghdad ─ Konrad’s Journey through the Middle East“ is a biweekly podcast by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation’s Syria/Iraq-Office. Based in Beirut, the podcast discusses current political issues in the region with the foundation’s on the ground partners in Syria, Iraq and across the Middle East. Each episode sheds light on up-to-date political, social and economic topics, and provides insights into life and work from Beirut to Baghdad.

by David Labude


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